
Showing posts from October, 2018

My experience trying to explain “reactive” word meaning

Reactive currently is one of the most trendy buzzword in the technology world Reactive is a word widely used as prefix for “ System ” and “ Programming ” to describe two very different matter However as IT consultant and reactive sponsor I have had a lot of discussion about it, but essentially the main question is always the same: Q: What does mean reactive ? and immediately after: Q: Why I have to use reactive ? Even if there are a lot of professional articles that try to explain in exhaustive way the reactive system , reactive programming and/or both the questions still persist in context in which I work. I’ve explained that reactive system is not the same thing of reactive programming, moreover concerning reactive system, I’ve demystified a bit the reactive word and, as reactive manifesto states clearly, I gave focus the attention on more classic concepts of a “distributed system” based upon “message driven” architecture (ie. reactive system is an architectural style)....