
Showing posts from August, 2013

Contribution to JNA project

Finally has been accepted my contribution to very useful JNA project. This project provides a easy way to access at Native API of the hosting system, from Java I've added support of a new API  concerning the WinOS 32 /64 UINT_PTR  SHAppBarMessage ( DWORD dwMessage, APPBARDATA pData ); This API allows to resize window's desktop and is very useful to put on desktop, custom toolbar,  that  never will be hidden by other windows and in the same time never will hide other windows.

Release 2.1 of Cordova-POC android app

A new release 2.1 of android app Cordova-POC is out! Cordova-POC has been created to help developers, to do demo of your Cordova/Phonegap/HTML5 app to customer upon smartphone on-the-fly. This new release has added JSFiddle integration. This means that you can have a list of your public fiddles with a possibility to preview and download it in order to use fiddle also in offline mode watch the video to have further details