CORDOVA POC 1.6 App has been released

What's new in 1.6 

In this new IOS release, I've updated App to support version 5.0.0 of Cordova ( IOS platform 3.8.0)

Moreover, in this release, I've added a new feature particularly useful for who would like test the appearance of an application during development, in fact Cordova POC now is able to connect, directly, to the developer's work station 


The screenshot on the left shows the connect icon. Tap on it for connecting to a remote web server


The screenshot on the left shows the settings icon. Tap on it for update settings

The screenshot on the right shows the settings dialog where you can update settings.

Below a short video that shows how it works


I hope that Cordova POC, and in particular this new feature, could help your work.

So .... enjoy Cordova POC

(see it on App Store(see it on Google Play
