Release 2.2 of Cordova-POC is out!!

A new release 2.2 of android app Cordova-POC is out!

Cordova-POC has been created to help developers, to do demo of your Cordova (AKA Phonegap) app 
to customer on-the-fly. Idea is to deploy HTML5 application bundle (i.e. zip file) directly on device 
from a source either, on-line than off-line.
Moreover Cordova-POC collects the deployed applications, providing a personal applications gallery, 
always ready to run.

What's New
  1. Add Support for Cordova  3.1.0
  2. Add JSFiddle Integration. Preview & Download fiddle
  3. Cordova/Phonegap 2.0.0, 2.5.0 are supported
  4. Dropbox support
  5. SD Card Support
  6. Inline help
For any suggestions or issues please go to
