MAVEN PLUGIN(S) SERIES - support zip packaging

Purpose of series ... 

In my "day by day" experience as Java Architect, i'm involved in deep on processes concerning Application Lifecycle Management   (ALM). We use Apache Maven as ingredient technology and we always dealing with need to find the best plugin (Mojo) that accomplish our requirements.

So i've decided to share this experience providing a briefly description of most useful (or unusual) plugins discovered during my work.

First One - ZIP Bundle Maven Plugin


Typically a Maven user, to provide a zip as deliverable of his project, uses the famous maven assembly plugin  The common approach is declare the packaging of the project as pom and invoke the assembly plugin, for zip creation and attachment it to the deploy phase.

The ZIP Bundle Maven Plugin, allow us to continue using assembly plugin and also to declare the packaging as zip instead of pom.  


The basic usage is shown below (from official site)





The current release is the 1.0 deployed in june  2012


Such release has been deployed into following repository

