CORDOVA-POC has been removed from App Store

Idea behind App Five years ago Cordova POC landed on App Store . I developed this App firstly to help me to dealt with hybrid mobile programming, afterwards I has evolved its concept give it a more marketing meaning as state below: Cordova-POC helps to do demo of your Cordova app to customer on-the-fly. Idea is to connect multiple sources (online & offline) from which download HTML5 application’s bundle. You can package your demo app as zip file and put it on Dropbox or develop it directly on JSFiddle downloading it when you ready. Moreover Cordova-POC collects the deployed applications, providing a personal applications gallery, always ready to run. At that time was a pretty innovative idea, currently there are a lot of app that allow to achieve similar goals. However I've tried to keep such App updated with major Cordova releases in particular for the IOS version that gained hundreds of downloads (objectively not so many but a good achievement for ...